Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies

Our Environmental Division can offer you the following services:

All services are provided in accordance with that stipulated in Law #19300 General Bases of Environment and Decree #30 Regulations of Environmental Impact

Hydrobiological Studies

This is a very broad study area and it is defined according to the costumer purpose, however we allow ourselves to mention a few of its possibilities regarding services and approaches:

  • To evaluate level of water availability and its eventual confinement, in a determined area or depth.
  • To identify groundwater, soil structure, most probable vulnerability, freatic level depth, operational, hydric resource availability, runoff flow and direction, runoff modeling of underground or superficial waters.

These studies generally are associated with geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological descriptions.

Modeling of Contaminants Dispersion

These services are developed for Atmospheric, Superficial and Underground Contaminants, from stationary, fugitive, (industrial and non-anthropic or natural) and moveable sources, waste water emission, and download for underground infiltration

Environmental Design and Construction

For atmospheric contaminant emissions, waste water, noise, downloads of soil contaminants (infiltration).

From levels of Conceptual and Basic Engineering up to detailed engineering of fixed source atmospheric emission treatment plants.


Division Chief:
Mr. Rodrigo Saavedra - rsaavedra@cesmec.cl