Material Laboratory

DIC Laboratories are operating in the most relevant economic centers of the country; they have appropriate personnel, installations and equipment in order to execute quality control testing regarding most common construction materials, which adjust to Chilean standards and ASTM applicable to each case.

Among these materials we find the following:

Material Testing

  • Concrete
    Dosage, mechanical resistances, dimensional, concrete content, etc.
  • Asphalts
    Thickness, asphalt content, dosage, etc.
  • Soils
    Classifications, grain size measurements, density, impact, etc.
  • Prefabricated
    Compression resistance, dimensional, impact, etc.

Densimeters Calibration and Verification

Cutting edge service that allows calibration and verification of these instruments on site, avoiding its expensive and dangerous transfer to the laboratory.

Regarding that matter, the Civil Engineering Division uses a non nuclear pattern traceable to NIST USA and sophisticated software.