Gaseous and Fuel Products Certification Procedure

Gaseous and Fuel Products Certification Procedure

Nº 298 Supreme decree of November 2005 that approves Regulation for electrical products and fuels it is applied to Certification Process. The dispositions of this regulation applied to all fuel products commercialized through the country and to those electrical products in accordance with current standard that must be certified before commercialization, for any use or application field, as well as, importers, manufactures and sellers

Product Certifications must be perform with any of Establish Systems provided on the following chart, based on ISO CASCO Guide, a Standarization National Institute Document INN- 100- 611


Certification System SEC

Certification General Procedure

As aforementioned, regardless its origin, products must be certificated by any of already mentioned Certification Systems, as Superintendence Test protocols establish. These protocols generated for each product by resolutions based on national or international standards and technical specifications.

For all products subject to obligatory Certification, an Authorized Organism of Certification recognized by Superintendence could only grant Approval Certify. CESMEC was the first SEC Authorized Organism of Certification Research Laboratory, to perform test and household-electric certification. (Record number being SEC 01)

Now days CESMEC is in conditions of perform all domestic devices test (White Goods), collective use devices, components, cylinders, according to international standards (IEC) and Chilean standards (NCh). Within we can distinguish following test: Gas and Kerosene Heaters, Water Heaters, gas Stoves, gas Lighters, Flexible Tubes, pressure controllers and others.

Certified Fuel Products List (Company and Product)

Standardization National Institute (INN) Accreditations

On this field CESMEC count with the following accreditations granted by INN:

  • Products Certify Organism, according to NCh 2411 .Of 2003 standard.
  • Test Laboratory, according to NCh- ISO 17025 .Of 2001, ISO 17025 standards


Laboratory Test:
Mr. Hector Bravo M.